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Statler 23.06.2013 13:31

Ok, Fuxx läuft gut, aber das wird eine harte Aufgabe.:quaeldich: :-B-(

drullse 23.06.2013 13:51


Zitat von Dafri (Beitrag 917073)
Für mich nicht,aber viele wollen doch einen Massenstart..oder?

Viele = WTC? ;)

locker baumeln 23.06.2013 13:52

226 taunuspaula W45__1:24:50___2:32__3:27__4:21__5 :17__5 :55
2414 Taunus Paul M45_1:12:28___2:15__3:05__3:58__5 :00__5 :38_________7:15
980 FuXX M30_________1:00:14___1:58__2:44__3:28__4:15__4:49 __5:29__6:20__7:08

756 Kunath M30_______1:01:26___1:58__2:42__3:22__4:01__4:37__ 5:15__6:05__6:50
1884 Perschneck M40____58:19___1:57__2:45__3:31__4:18__4:53__5:33_ _6:25__7:15

M30 Top Drei nach Bike ___________________________________________180km__ 11km
1. 779 __________________________________________________ _______ 5:55__6:42
2. 869_______________________________________________ __________ 6:03__6:52
3. 982_______________________________________________ __________ 6:05__6:50

Ranking M30 nach Bike
1. (779) 5:55:48
2. (869) 6:03:42
3. (982) 6:05:15
4. S. Kunath 6:05:16

20. FuXX 6:20:16


2011 Berlin Marathon 2:34:30
2009 Challenge Roth 8:50:56
2007 + 2008 + 2010 Hawaii

2012 IM Wales 12:41:15
2008 IM FFM 10:50:12

Taunus Paul
2012 IM Wales 10:57:15
2008 IM FFM 10:09:53

S.Kunath (Pulsnitz bei Dresden)
2012 Hawaii 9:11:23 (Vizeweltmeister M30)
2012 IM FFM 8:53:59
2003 + 2004 + 2006 Hawaii

S.Perschneck (Dresden)
2011 Hawaii 9:53.33
2011 IM FFM 9:22:52
1998 Hawaii

LidlRacer 23.06.2013 14:11

Es gab einen Toten auf der Radstrecke!
Genaueres ist noch nicht bekannt.

"IRONMAN regret to confirm that a competitor has died participating in IRONMAN France on Sunday 23rd June. At this time the thoughts of everyone associated with IRONMAN are with the athlete’s family and friends.

The athlete was on the bike section of the event and IRONMAN organisers are cooperating fully with the authorities to establish the circumstances surrounding this tragic incident. More information will be released at the appropriate time."

Statler 23.06.2013 14:18


Zitat von LidlRacer (Beitrag 917101)
Es gab einen Toten auf der Radstrecke!
Genaueres ist noch nicht bekannt.

"IRONMAN regret to confirm that a competitor has died participating in IRONMAN France on Sunday 23rd June. At this time the thoughts of everyone associated with IRONMAN are with the athlete’s family and friends.

The athlete was on the bike section of the event and IRONMAN organisers are cooperating fully with the authorities to establish the circumstances surrounding this tragic incident. More information will be released at the appropriate time."

Oh nein.:(

locker baumeln 23.06.2013 14:19

226 taunuspaula W45__1:24:50___7:44
2414 Taunus Paul M45_1:12:28___7 :15

980 FuXX M30_________1:00:14___6:20__7:08__7 :32

756 Kunath M30_______1:01:26___6:05__6:50__7:11__7:34
1884 Perschneck M40____58:19___6:25__7:15__7:40

M30 Top Drei nach Bike ________180km__11km__16km__21km
1. 779 _______________________ 5:55__6:42__7:04__7:28
2. 869_______________________ 6:03__6:52__7:16__7:40
3. 982_______________________ 6:05__6:50__7:12__7:35

Ironmarkus 23.06.2013 14:38

was da pasiert ?

IRONMAN regret to confirm that a competitor has died participating IRONMAN France on Sunday 23 June. At this time, the thoughts of everyone associated with IRONMAN athletes with family and friends.

The athlete was on the bike Ironman organizers of the event and are fully cooperating with the authorities in order to establish the circumstances of this tragic incident.

An official press conference will be held today in the presence of Yves Cordier IRONMAN France Manager, Race Director and in the presence of Thomas DIECKHOFF, CEO Europe, Middle East and South Africa.

More information will be published in due course.

StanX 23.06.2013 14:47

Wie ist die Topographie der Stelle an der FuXX gerade ist? Bricht er ein oder gehts bergauf?

Das mit dem toten ist sch.....

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