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Alt 28.11.2018, 14:15   #10
Benutzerbild von tridinski
Registriert seit: 03.09.2009
Ort: Vulkaneifel2Wetterau
Beiträge: 3.944
Zitat von Nobodyknows Beitrag anzeigen
Die Älteren unter uns erinnern sich an diverse warnende Hinweise. Aus dem Jahr 1985:

Aus dem Jahr 1963:

The Ice is Speaking

In the deep of winter of 1963 two young Eskimo-Kalaallit men went hunting and came to the big wall and did their ceremony. As they did so, they noticed that water was coming out of the Big Ice way up the wall. When they returned and to*ld the Elders of that strange phenomenon – no one believed them. How could water move, when the temp*erature has been less than minus 30 degr*ees Celsius (-22 ºF) for about three mon*ths. Later that wi*nter other Elders we*nt hunting and upon returning confirmed that water was trick*ling out of the Big Ice at the Big Wall. That became the fir*st sign that somethi*ng was amiss – not at home – but in the world.

Quelle: und Seite 43

Today that trickle has grown to roaring rivers of water pour*ing out of the Big Ice into the Atlantic Ocean. Since that first trickle was noticed the average depth of the Icecap has shrunk from five kilometers (three mi*les) to three (2 mil*es), and the melt is accelerating. Today there are hundreds of roaring rivers co*ming off the Icecap year round. In geolo*gical terms the rapi*dity of ice melt in Greenland is insta*ntaneous.

The melting Icecap is the most dramatic evidence of accelera*ting global climate change. Greenland is our miner’s canary. The certainty is th*at our world is chan*ging, and those ch*anges will alter our way of life at best, and destroy them at worst. To be confr*onted with the chang*es in Greenland is to have that reality dramatically brought home to us.


slow is smooth and smooth is fast
swim by feel, bike for show, run to win
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